

Sanjay Rahate
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Student Dashboard

The Student Dashboard is a comprehensive tool designed to help students identify the right career options and find suitable colleges both in India and abroad. With over 1lac+ national and 1lac+ international colleges listed, the platform offers advanced filters that save time, money, energy, and stress by narrowing down options based on specific requirements.

The platform provides students with detailed information on different career options and the skills required to pursue them. Additionally, it offers insights into various industries, job profiles, and emerging trends to help students make informed decisions.

The dashboard features a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and search for colleges based on parameters such as location, fees, courses, admission criteria, and more. It also offers personalized recommendations based on a student's interests, academic background, and career aspirations.

The platform provides detailed information about colleges, including course offerings, faculty, campus facilities, placement records, and student reviews. Students can also use the platform to connect with alumni, current students, and faculty members to get a better understanding of the college and its programs.

Overall, the Student Dashboard provides students with a one-stop solution to explore career options and find the right college that matches their needs and aspirations.

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